POU Details

Kurukshetra Branch of NIRC of ICAI
POU Type: Northern India Regional Council Branchs (NIRCB)
Region: Northern
Membership Fee:
Address: SCO 22-23 Sector 17
City: Kurukshetra
State: Haryana
PIN: 136118
Country: India
Phone: 8447812767
Fax: 01744-465172
Primary E-mail: kurukshetra@icai.org
Alternate E-mail: casinghparvinder@gmail.com
POUs can update the details of contact person and office bearers along with the period of holding offices through POU’s Page. Regarding change in address they are required to send a communication under the signature of the Chairman and secretary at cpedadmin@icai.in

Office Bearer(s)

S.No. Type MRN Name Phone No. E-mail Period From Period To
1. Chairman 546094 CA PARVINDER SINGH 8447812767 casinghparvinder@gmail.com 20-02-2024 28-02-2025
2. Vice Chairman 541675 CA ANKIT SHARMA 9818485819 caankitsharma9@gmail.com 20-02-2024 28-02-2025
3. Secretary 535464 CA MONIKA GUPTA 9034223309 camonika20@gmail.com 20-02-2024 28-02-2025
4. Treasurer 517710 CA ANKUSH GARG 9416467047 gargcaankush@gmail.com 20-02-2024 28-02-2025
5. Member (Management Committee) 516221 CA RAGHAV GARG 9812220035 ca.raghavgarg@gmail.com 20-02-2024 28-02-2025
6. Member (Management Committee) 506773 CA GAURAV KUMAR GUPTA 9416600074 gkguptaca@hotmail.com 20-02-2024 28-02-2025