POU Details

Gandhinagar Branch of WIRC of ICAI
POU Type: Western India Regional Council Branches (WIRCB)
Contact Person: CA. Chintan Arvindkumar Thakkar
Branch: Gandhinagar Branch of WIRC of ICAI
Region: Western
Membership Fee:
Address: 435-436, 4th Floor, Super Mall-1, Above Midway hotel, Next to SBI,, Infocity, Gandhinagar-382047
City: Gandhinagar
State: Gujarat
PIN: 382047
Country: INDIA
Phone: 91-9898127000
Primary E-mail: cacathakkar@gmail.com
Alternate E-mail:
POUs can update the details of contact person and office bearers along with the period of holding offices through POU’s Page. Regarding change in address they are required to send a communication under the signature of the Chairman and secretary at cpedadmin@icai.in

Office Bearer(s)

S.No. Type MRN Name Phone No. E-mail Period From Period To
1. Chairman 116780 B.K.CHAVDA 9426064054 bkchavda1672@yahoo.com 24-02-2024 28-02-2025
2. Secretary 137961 Samir Ghanchi 9825457897 highanchi@gmail.com 24-02-2024 28-02-2025